Monday, December 13, 2010

Is it worth getting a mould sample?

I have many calls from people asking me for a mould sample. My standard response is why specifically would you like a mould sample?

Mould Samples
can range between $33 per sample up to $220 per individual sample. If you plan on getting more than one sample, it is easy to see how high the costs can get.

THEREFORE, it is important you understand what mould testing can achieve. In most cases samples are recommended if you would like to:
  • Know the species of the mould growing in your home or building
  • Know if the source of the mould contamination is indoor or outdoors
  • Know the level of contamination
  • Know whether it is actually mould
Some of the reasons why you may want to know this include:
  • Because you may want to research the health affects of a certain type of mould
  • Understand the behaviour of the mould so you know how to remediate it properly
  • Need it for an insurance or liability report
Please give us a call if you are thinking of getting a mould sample first. Usually we will talk with you on the phone and ask you some questions and find out whether it is worth you getting a mould inspection. Then we can book you in for a standard mould inspection. When we are at your property, we can determine whether it is worth it for you to have a mould sample taken.

Mould Sample Information
  • Mould samples are sent to a laboratory in Sydney
  • Depending on the type of sample, quantity and the time of year - It can take 1-2 weeks to receive the results.
  • We can conduct an ATP test which can give instant results (call to find out more).

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